Where can I find vacation rentals script for my hotel business?

4 min readSep 13, 2019



Vacation rentals script

Hey every hotel owners and vacation rentals owners couldn’t control their charms to succeed in their business by optimizing with featured script which is perfectly tailored for online vacation rentals booking business like Airbnb. here you get everything for your blissful room rentals or vacation rentals business in the name of “FLYOUT” which is sculptured by Bootsgrid. Many UK hotel owners would like to grab the demo which would help them in extracting more features like multi language, multi currency, hotel reservation and cancellations with refund amount and still many on the list. Here we are going to explore more about it in brief on the following sessions.

Online hotel booking business:

Mostly in this digital tech era many of us would like to do our work in smart right away with the help of gadget devices like Smart phone, I-phone, I-pad, Laptop and so on we might be feel if in case not having any one of the above divine boon for this era. even if you want to eat, travel and study attached with the smart solution it’s all because of our hectic life style we are in the mode of do the work in smart way and simple steps. So many UK and European hotels getting enhanced their business by enabling an option of online hotel booking platform which would open the doors of many guest to book the hotel at anytime and anywhere by paying via Credit card, debit card, online transactions PayPal, Stripe and so on. Also at the same time for host it is very easy to allocate their rental list by showing many multiple amenities in their listing page and maintaining good relations with customers while they renting and booking their property or rentals. For many advanced and upgraded functionalities just pick Flyout Airbnb clone to get the sizzling Hotel or room or home or vacation rentals business. Let’s we gander more about the features in Flyout Airbnb clone in the following session.

Looking for hotels online


  • Sign in/signup: As a guest and host both can able sign in or signup with all social media options such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn. LinkedIn sign in and sign up for the people those who want to put their step as professional.
  • Multiple features: Only reason for multiple payments and multi currencies option is to getting engagements with customers globally for both host and admin. Also for the guest there is more flexible options are waiting to consume for their convenience of paying via anything like PayPal, stripe and credit card.
  • Admin flexibility: If admin of the website could decide to change anything they go straight away to the back end and implement their changes as they want like changing colors, themes or enabling the languages, currencies, languages and payment methods because he/she has everything extra-ordinary things.
  • Mail Notification: E-mail notification alarming the users for every process once the guest booked the space and once the host listed their space. Not only e-mail notifications but also they could receive the message on their account inbox.
  • Max and min stay and calendar option: Host can decide when their space is available by using the calendar option while they listing the property or rental space and also they can able to enable the max and min stay of the house or rental space.
  • More Filtering options: Exactly for guest to find and grab the exact available properties/homes/rooms not only on their search location but also with the property type, pricing range, amenity filters and many filtering options on the search page to reach the exact point.
  • Multi photos and amenities: Host can able to add multiple numbers of photos of their property and amenities which they are having within their rentals space. They can specify which kind of property they are having like private, shared and entire.
  • Ratings and reviews: Once the guest check out the property or hotel or room they can able to provide their feedback as ratings and reviews of the hotel. Both as private and public share their feedback with each other.
  • Invite Friends via social media: Inviting the friends to the website is more extraordinary feature to increase the customer’s growth within short period via Google and Facebook. It leads to the person who invited their friends they can get more offers in the future days for both listing and booking.




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