Simple 5 Easy Steps For Online Payment Gateway Integration

4 min readAug 31, 2021


Payment Gateway Integration:
A payment gateway is an online payments which bridges the gap between merchants and customers when making the payment online by the latter one during the time of purchasing goods from the respective shop. When at the period of creating order with any online store at pre final step before completing order customer needs to transfer amount to merchant’s bank account or their convenient payment modes. For here I have given you the special guide to be helpful for your knowledge in order to create your own payment gateway, let do check about Best Payment Gateway For Online Payments. Whenever we talk about online payments we won’t skip payment processor so that in the following some tidbits of knowledge shared by myself with payment processor how it varies from payment gateway will make you clear about these two roles on online payment transactions.

Payment Processor:
Payment Processor is another bug boon of online businesses to smoothly run business over online for handling bulk range of transactions per day by authorizing at first level and validating the card details which are provided by buyers, then linking customer’s bank account and merchant’s bank account finally ending the process with safe and secure transfer of funds its all done in fraction of seconds however you never believe this magic while on your shopping via online.

Simple Online Payment Integration Process

Before Plunging onto step by step payment integration process, let us take some glance top standard payment gateways which are always ranking high for online store.

Here is the List:

· Paypal

· Stripe

· Braintree

· PayU

· Amazon Pay

· WorldPay

· Google Checkout


· 2 checkout

· Apple Pay

As you’re store owner or website owner to enhance your business online with payment integration system, then must know about some of the traditional payment integration methods which running all businesses nowadays in safe and secured manner.

Payment Integration Types:

Hosted payment gateway — Payment will be completed at provider’s website and redirecting back to your site

Self hosted payment method — Customer proceed with payments at checkout page of merchant’s web page

API/Module integrations — Payment processing by using API/module for payment methods

Local bank integration payments — Integrating your bank for payment collections with your portal by redirecting customers into bank payment page

Payment Gateway Integration Steps:

Step 1: Choosing Payment Integration Type:
First, decide to select whether what type of payment integration is best for your business that means from the above mentioned payment solutions like hosted, self hosted or whatever else you need for your online store or domain to provide hassle free purchase, based on your desire and decision at this level will only help you to move for next step in this process with integrations and also another essential thing need to do is refer bulk of payment gateways prior to decide just exploring and analyzing payment gateways or processors Yeah it is easy to prick the best among pool of gateways.

Step 2: Analyze various Payment Gateways Online:
Before ending your research about payment gateway either hosted or direct solution integration types, you must spend time at analyzing many payment gateways by knocking at their web pages here this step is helpful for you to explore many things like what the payment service provider offering benefits, find the top most payment service provider and compare among themselves in terms of such as Features, Security, Transaction and set up fee etc and top of all cost effective along with easy to manage your accounts in trusted manner.

Step 3: Set up your Merchant Account:
Once you completed your research with payment service provider analysis, let move on to consecutive step where you create your own merchant account for receiving revenues from customers during their purchase at your shop or online website and followed to create the payment gateway account links with your merchant account in order to manage your transactions with each orders. After end of your registration with payment gateway you will get access data which you going to enter at your site’s admin panel to connect your payment gateway account such as Secret key, public key etc.

Step 4: Add and Integrate the Payment Method:
Once decided with payment gateway and solution type as whether hosted or non hosted, hire the best Payment integration expert or simply contacting with Payment Integration Service Company for feasible long lasting support even after their full integration processes getting over. Approaching with clear data or any custom requirement if you want to include on payment integration process so that techies can understand your business needs before they going to work on it.

Details could you share with developers:

1. Site URL

2. Site Admin access

3. Payment gateway (website URL is enough to go through)

4. API documentation

5. Server details

6. FTP access

Step 5: Testing the Payment Gateway:
After integration was successfully done by tech geeks, then you could check the payment gateway by let you having sandbox account which would be provide service provider and also make sure it is exactly working in safe and secured way better if you explored everything when at least prior to purchase any packages from payment service vendors so this is final step and you can contact service provider for any malicious threats or any fraudulent activities or if you face any difficulties with integration part then call the developer to find and fix any bugs but give them time for analyze, find and fix by code.

I hope you’ve all got useful post for payment integration process if you’re the new and fresh entrepreneur to start the business online or moving your direct traditional store into digital mode of online shopping so here the above just steps is only sufficient for integrating payment method with your business.

Please share your idea here at for any Payment Integration service you need

